Friday, September 30, 2011

5 generations

5 generations

When my family found out I was pregnant they we’re so thrilled because thats mean Bliss would make it where there was 5 generations alive! So this weekend at my mawmaw’s 57th birthday we took pictures!
Bliss & myself, My daddy, My mawmaw, & my meme and pawpaw!
Jerry (my love) Bliss and I, My dad & Stepmom, My pawpaw and Mawmaw, Pawpaw Green, and meme!
Uncle Brad, Aunt Lisa, Cade (cousin), Jerry, Bliss & Myself, Dad, Maranda (Stepmom), Braiden (Little brother), Pawpaw, Jordan (cousin), Mawmaw, Karah (little Sister) Pawpaw green & meme.
It was a great evening besides my nerves being on complete edge because everyone was passing Bliss around. I’m terrified about everyone touching her! lol 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

my life.

They are so much a like, it’s crazy!! 
I absolutely LOVE it!!
They are so much a like, it’s crazy!! 
I absolutely LOVE it!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's Official

B is offically a U.S. citizen!! :) 
B is offically a U.S. citizen!! :) 

Bliss's 2 week check up

Bliss at her 2 week checkup, heard another baby start crying so she covered her ears! lol 
Today we had to take Bliss to her 2 week Doctors appointment. 
She weighted 7 lb. and was 19.75 inches long! She’s my growing baby! The doctor said she was doing wonderful, that made me feel a lot better because she was spitting up A LOT, so I changed formulas and that helped but she was still spitting up every once in awhile she said that was normal for babies to spit up and that they aren’t throwing up just formula or my breast milk. Yes, I’m having to use both because sad to say I’m not producing enough milk for her! : / I hoping that my supply will pick up soon because the doctor doesn’t think I won’t produce more because of my size and how much she’s eating; so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I do. 
Well I’m off to feed B! 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2 weeks of bliss

Today, My baby is 2 weeks old!! WOW, time is really flying!
What we know about Bliss so far:
What she LOVES..
  • Cuddling! 
  • She loves to eat! (Just like her daddy!)
  • She is super strong. (for halloween this year I think she is going to be super baby!)
  • She LOVES her hands, she wants to chew on them ALL the time!
  • She loves bath time.
  • Sitting outside
  • Her pacifier.
  • Car rides
  • Skin to skin time with daddy. (Jerry loves this, every night before bed jerry stripes her down to her diaper and lays skin to skin with her for hours!)
What she doesn’t like
  • Changing her diaper!
  • Waiting for her bottle; She is very inpatient! (like mommy ; ])
  • Changing her Clothes.
  • Having the hiccups
She is a wonderful baby.
I’m posting her newborn pictures above, she was ten days old.  
Well I’m off to pump, that all it seems like I do these days! 

Monday, September 26, 2011


Sundays at our house usually means cleaning and then being lazy for the rest of the day but this Sunday didn’t start off that way at all!
I woke up with a horrible migraine! I haven’t had one since I got pregnant so it was weird waking up to one. I was so scared that I was going to blackout and not be able to take care of Bliss, because usually when I get migraines, I have to sleep it off or attempt to sleep it off but luckily I was able to fight through it and just seen spots all morning. 
It didn’t help that Bliss was actually kinda fussy today, she just wasn’t able to sleep very good. Every 15 minutes in her sleep she would cry, she would stop as soon as I came up to her and tell her I’m right here it’s ok. I felt so bad for her but as soon as I laid down with her, she hasn’t done it, not once. So I guess that was her telling me she wanted to cuddle with mommy!
 I managed to clean the house and almost get all the laundry done, Yes almost I still have a load in the dryer and in the washer, but they can wait cause babe got off work early and we are all cuddling in bed. :)
LOVE days like this, correction evenings like this! ; ]

Happy sunday!

Sundays at our house usually means cleaning and then being lazy for the rest of the day but this Sunday didn’t start off that way at all!
I woke up with a horrible migraine! I haven’t had one since I got pregnant so it was weird waking up to one. I was so scared that I was going to blackout and not be able to take care of Bliss, because usually when I get migraines, I have to sleep it off or attempt to sleep it off but luckily I was able to fight through it and just seen spots all morning.
It didn’t help that Bliss was actually kinda fussy today, she just wasn’t able to sleep very good. Every 15 minutes in her sleep she would cry, she would stop as soon as I came up to her and tell her I’m right here it’s ok. I felt so bad for her but as soon as I laid down with her, she hasn’t done it, not once. So I guess that was her telling me she wanted to cuddle with mommy!
I managed to clean the house and almost get all the laundry done, Yes almost I still have a load in the dryer and in the washer, but they can wait cause babe got off work early and we are all cuddling in bed. :)
LOVE days like this, correction evenings like this! ; ]
Happy sunday!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

We started this wonderful saturday by spending quality time together, as Jerry called it bonding time! lol and ended it by celebrating my Mawmaw’s birthday!
Sadly Jerry has to work tomorrow so looks like Bliss and I will be resting and cleaning house! I see more resting than cleaning because I have had a terrible headache all day and it has yet to let up! 
Happy Saturday!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Well, what can I say besides we are TOTALLY IN LOVE!!
What you need to know RIGHT NOW:
Jerry is absolutely wonderful.
Bliss is a supermodel baby!! (Everyone keeps telling me I need to submit pictures to agencies; I think I’ll just keep her all to myself for right now! ; ])
Bliss definitely looks like her daddy; Exception of my nose, round face & eyes. 
She is so patient & sweet. 
My boobs are literally getting bigger by the second!
Breastfeeding has its up sides & defiantly its down, but anything for Sweet B! 
Labor was short & sweet. Birth Story coming soon. :)
We are in Heaven, hands down!
I am so blessed to having such a loving and caring family & friends. They have showed so much support through my whole pregnancy and defiantly through my labor! It looked like we were having a party in my labor & delivery room! lol 
I cry tears of joy EVERYDAY!! 
I just can’t believe that I have been blessed with a BEAUTIFUL, PERFECTLY HEALTHY, PATIENT, & LOVING darling baby & she is ALL MINE! AHHHHHHHH 
Ok, I’m crying again!! 
I’m off to feed Sweet B!
Well, what can I say besides we are TOTALLY IN LOVE!!
What you need to know RIGHT NOW:
  • Jerry is absolutely wonderful.
  • Bliss is a supermodel baby!! (Everyone keeps telling me I need to submit pictures to agencies; I think I’ll just keep her all to myself for right now! ; ])
  • Bliss definitely looks like her daddy; Exception of my nose, round face & eyes. 
  • She is so patient & sweet. 
  • My boobs are literally getting bigger by the second!
  • Breastfeeding has its up sides & defiantly its down, but anything for Sweet B! 
  • Labor was short & sweet. Birth Story coming soon. :)
  • We are in Heaven, hands down!
I am so blessed to having such a loving and caring family & friends. They have showed so much support through my whole pregnancy and defiantly through my labor! It looked like we were having a party in my labor & delivery room! lol 
I cry tears of joy EVERYDAY!! 
I just can’t believe that I have been blessed with a BEAUTIFULPERFECTLY HEALTHY, PATIENT, & LOVINGdarling baby & she is ALL MINE! AHHHHHHHH 
Ok, I’m crying again!! 
I’m off to feed Sweet B!

1 week of Bliss

Tomorrow Bliss will be a week old already!! Ahhhhh time is flying by already! Tears…
It’s just crazy to think that Bliss was in my belly this time last week and I was getting ready to go into labor! Yes, I went into labor instead of having to be induced; thank goodness!  I have been looking back at all my belly pictures and I just can’t believe this perfect little baby was in there all nice and cozy and now she is out in the real world with me and I think to myself; what was I even worried about? I was just being a crazy lady over thinking everything!! I’m just so happy that she is here, that I cant stop staring at her! She is truly a gift from God
Seriously isn’t she the cutest baby you have ever seen? ; ]
Well I figured since this the last belly picture I took I would show you my belly now. 
Almost one week Postpartum! 
I was extremely lucky to have come out with no stretch marks and my belly is almost gone, but I defiantlyneed to tone up! 
So as soon as I’m not sore anymore and have my energy back, I will be whipping out the jogging stroller and will be putting it to some very good use!! Which I am overly excited to use!! :) Especially since the weather is so beautiful and cool. Let’s hope it stays that way. 
Im going to go stare at Sweet B some more!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

My little cousin Jordan and Bliss! Jordan is in LOVE!! She just sits and stares at bliss telling me and everyone else how beautiful she is. She is so excited to introduce Bliss to her favorite movie Sleeping Beauty and to have tea parties and dress up sessions. It makes my heart melt to see how in love Jordan is with Bliss already, I can’t wait to see how well they bond when Bliss is a little older!!
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone; I know we will!! : ]
Tarah, Jerry & Bliss!
My little cousin Jordan and Bliss! Jordan is in LOVE!! She just sits and stares at bliss telling me and everyone else how beautiful she is. She is so excited to introduce Bliss to her favorite movie Sleeping Beauty and to have tea parties and dress up sessions. It makes my heart melt to see how in love Jordan is with Bliss already, I can’t wait to see how well they bond when Bliss is a little older!!
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone; I know we will!! : ]
Tarah, Jerry & Bliss!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

First night home went wonderful!!
She went to sleep attached to my boob at 1:30 a.m. so I just left her there and she slept with me till Jerry got up and put her in her bassinet at 4:45 and she didn’t wake back up till 9! 
I still can’t believe that she is finally here!
She is so beautiful and full life already she is only 3 days old!
I am so happy and In love!! I am truly blessed!! 

Poem to Bliss

We never dreamed you’d be so beautiful… 
In all of the times we tried to imagine 
every last detail of who you would be, 
thru all of the nights we spent quietly thinking 
of how we would feel 
when we first looked at you, 
we patiently waited 
and silently wondered. 
We hoped and we prayed 
and we tried to imagine… 
but we never dreamed you’d be so beautiful. 

    Tuesday, September 13, 2011

    She's Here!!

    She has arrived!
Bliss Victoria Wilkins arrived today at 8:22 a.m. weighting in at 6.39 lbs 19 1&2 inches long!
She is simply breath taking. I can’t take my eyes off of her!!
We are in newborn heaven!!
    She has arrived!
    Bliss Victoria Wilkins arrived today at 8:22 a.m. weighting in at 6.39 lbs 19 1&2 inches long!
    She is simply breath taking. I can’t take my eyes off of her!!
    We are in newborn heaven!!

    Friday, September 9, 2011

    39 weeks.

    Pregnancy Stats-
    How Far along: 39 weeks, We have finally came to the end of the road.
    Size of Baby: Mini Watermelon.
    Doctors appointment: Yesterday was our 39 week appointment, We did a sonogram to see how big she is and her measurements made him think that she was 6.72 lb.. I don’t see how an almost 7 lb. baby is in my belly but I’ll be super happy if she is! After he did my sonogram he said that he had to go look at the schedule and he would be back, which is really unusual cause usually he leaves and the nurse comes back with my papers. So we waited (mawmaw & I) and he came back in and says I have made you an appointment for monday, if you haven’t had her before then we will do you exam and schedule you for wednesday. I was like huh? Schedule what? He said for you to be induced! My mouth seriously just dropped to my chest! I looked over at mawmaw and she was grinning from ear to ear. I looked back at him in complete SHOCK! I guess he could tell it freaked me out and he reassured me everything was going to be ok and that he would see me monday if not before then. We left the doctors office and I was still in shock and had a billion things running thru my head. 
    • O-M-G is he for real?
    • I really wanted to experience my water breaking.
    • No matter what, this time next week I WILL have a newborn!
    • I’m going to be a MOTHER! 
    • I need to go shopping. lol (YES, I have a problem!)
    • I need to go Re-clean EVERYTHING
    • Need to clean my car too!
    • NO! I don’t want my belly to go away! (Yes, the girl who didn’t want to get a belly, has seriously feel in love with the belly and doesn’t want it to go away!) 
    • Has it really come to an end? 10 months of my life I have had my baby in my belly, keeping her safe and close and now she is going to make her BIG debut to our world!? 
    • I think I’m going to pass out!!
    Yes, I sound like a crazy person but I went so long not even looking pregnant and I hit 32 weeks and I have a belly, So its like I was only pregnant for a couple of months instead of the whole 10 months. Yes, I went thru the whole Pre-term Labor at 20 weeks but I didn’t look or feel pregnant then. I just can’t believe it is really coming to end, there is all this waiting, anticipating, worrying and stressing for so long and then she’s just going to be here? That’s just baffling to me. I feel so overwhelmed yet excited then again nervous. Inhale, Exhale! That’s what I keep telling myself. lol
    Total Weight Gain: 7 lbs.
    Gender: Darling little girl 
    Movement: Still crazy active, did you watch the video I posted the other day? If not go watch it, Bliss is most active when her daddy is around, and it defiantly shows in the video! lol 
    Sleep: Not much, I sleep best after Jerry leaves for work at 4 then I’m up by 7:30. Booo! 
    What I miss: Sleep of course, Breathing, being able to see my feet and Energy I just don’t have energy to do anything these last couple of weeks.
    Cravings: Grapes, Watermelon, Sweet tea, Olive Garden’s Mozzarella sticks, & fried Raviolis. Yummy!! 
    Symptoms: Exhaustion, Feet & Back pain. Nothing killer but just plain uncomfortable! 
    Best Moment this week: Seeing Jerry’s excitement that we will be meeting Bliss in the next week. He says I’m ready to meet and hold her!! He makes my heart melt. 
    Dress: Bealls
    For more pictures go here

    Wednesday, September 7, 2011

    To accomplish this week!

    Things I’m hoping to accomplish this week!

    • Go to Hobby Lobby & Get more fabric to make blankets for Bliss & look at fabric to make a duvet cover.
    • Finish hanging pictures in Bliss’s room.
    • Move steps out of front yard.
    • Finish getting house ready.
    • Clean house.
    • Wash my car
    • Put car seat in car.
    • Finish packing our hospital bags. (Yes, I have seriously been procrastinating it has to end!)
    I’m sure there is stuff I’m forgetting but this is what’s at the top of my list!

    Monday, September 5, 2011


    Jerry & I had our quick babymoon to Beavers Bend, OK yesterday & today.
    It was fabulous, we went hiking, floated the river, drove around site seeing & just spent some much need quality time together. 
    More pics go here.