Sunday, July 31, 2011

34 weeks

34 weeks- Yay! :)
Pregnancy Stats:
How far along: 34 weeks
Size of baby: Average cantaloupe
Total Weight Gain: 6 lbs
Gender: Darling baby girl
Movement: SUPER active!! She moves more later at night 9-11. She doesn’t like for stuff to be on belly, She will try to kick, elbow, push or roll anything off of it!! Jerry trips out over it. I find it adorable.
Sleep: What is this sleep you speak of? usually the last time I look at the clock is between 11:30-1 then up every thirty minutes to an hour. Im just SUPER uncomfortable.
What I miss: being able to do whatever I want when ever I want. Can’t just jump up and run to town or go walking or work in the yard because if I move around to much I start to contract and my back and feet KILL ME!!
Cravings: Easy Mac, Easy Mac, oh and Easy Mac!! 
Symptoms: Anxiousness, TIRED, back & feet are in PAIN, & Stomach feels as if its going to rip apart if it gets any bigger.
Best moment this week: Bliss kicking wolverine (our dog) because he was laying on my stomach! :)
Goodies that arrived in the mail today:
Adiri bottles-
Burp clothes -
  • Dress- Target
  • Wedges- Target.
Happy Saturday!!

Friday, July 29, 2011

I can’t even fathom at how happy I am right now! Last week I emailed Kristin at, and asked her how she merged her pictures together; She emailed me back and gave me a couple of pointers and guess what I figure it out!! It took me a little while, but It finally got it done! Lol I’m not going to lie I’m so happy I could cry because I tried earlier in the week but I was just getting frustrated and annoyed so I called it quits and today I was like lets try it again & I succeed. YAY me!!! :)  
I’m super happy it’s friday, I have a lot of plans for this week. 
Tonight going to the track to run the Camaro.
Tomorrow- I will be 34 weeks. : ] Finish setting up the nursery which will be an all weekend chore because there is a lot to do still.
  • Put her Chester drawer together.
  • Hang curtains.
  • Hang Pictures.
  • Organize closet
  • Finish washing all her clothes & blankets.
I still have some shopping to do for her room but it isn’t anything to stress about.
Im going to go get ready to head to the track, hope everyone has a safe, joyful weekend! 

Yay for friday!


I can't even fathom at how happy I am right now! Last week I emailed Kristin at Project:BABY!, and asked her how she merged her pictures together; She emailed me back and gave me a couple of pointers and guess what I figure it out!! It took me a little while, but It finally got it done! Lol I'm not going to lie I'm so happy I could cry because I tried earlier in the week but I was just getting frustrated and annoyed so I called it quits and today I was like lets try it again & I succeed. YAY me!!! :)  
I'm super happy it's friday, I have a lot of plans for this week. 
Tonight going to the track to run the Camaro.
Tomorrow- I will be 34 weeks. : ] Finish setting up the nursery which will be an all weekend chore because there is a lot to do still.
  • Put her Chester drawer together.
  • Hang curtains.
  • Hang Pictures.
  • Organize closet
  • Finish washing all her clothes & blankets.
I still have some shopping to do for her room but it isn't anything to stress about.
Im going to go get ready to head to the track, hope everyone has a safe, joyful weekend! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pregnancy update

Today I have been busy fixing my blog and had a doctors appointment.
Pregnancy Update:
33 almost 34 weeks
Weight-Haven’t gained anymore yet, Doctor said I need to eat more or he is going to put me on a special diet. I eat till I am full what else can I do?? 
Dilated to a 2.
Bed Rest still.
He also said that he wants to keep her in there over my due date because she is so small so he is going to do everything he can to keep her in there. Ughh I just can’t image going over my due date cause I feel as if I’m going to explode right now. Im so uncomfortable, my back and feet are killing me, but if it helps Bliss I will do it. I didn’t say I wouldn’t bitch about it but I’ll do it! :) 
As for her movement, goodness she is SUPER active last night Jerry was going crazy cause she was pushing her hand or foot out and you could see my belly stretching out. Also wolverine came and sat down on my tummy and she started kicking/hitting him, it was the funniest thing ever, Wolverine jumped up and just looked at my belly like what in the world was that!! 
Well thats all for now.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Its Fridayyy! : ]

Lets Just say I have had a busy, busy day already & It's only 2:30!
What I have done already today:

  • Laundry
  • Sweep & Mopped
  • Dogs a bath
  • Dishes
  • Dusted
  • Messed with the pool
  • Shopped for Bliss and I little for myself. ; ]
Today I have been on adventure trying to pick a nursing bra. ugh yes nursing bra there are SOOO many to choose from and I don't even know where to begin. So I have been researching away & I have asked a couple of people also so I guess I will just keep researching and go try on a couple of different brands also.

I have also been getting prepared to pack our hospital bags, which is a complete headache. My Inspiration for my hospital bag is of course Kristin from Project:BABY, Yes I am admitting Im totally obsessed with her. Her blog is full of useful info and I can always turn to her blog if i have a question about my pregnancy so far!
Hosipital bag list so far:

  • Camera with extra batteries
  • Phones & Ipad chargers
  • Pillows & Blankets
  • Swaddle blankets & animal for Bliss.
  • Clothes for Bliss (Couple of different outfits)
  • Diapers. Huggies Litte Snugglers, I have tons of Pampers Swaddlers, but they don't have the cut out for her little Umbilical Cord.
  • Insurance papers, & Birth Plan. (still a working progress)
  • Chapstick
  • Gum, Snacks & Water.
  • Journal & Pen.
  • My Bag- Nursing bras, Undies, extra clothes, robe, vitamins, Lansinoh Lanolin for Breastfeeding, Going home clothes, Socks, Slippers, Nursing gown.
  • Toiletry Bag- Soap, Toothbrush & paste, shampoo & conditioner, lotion, shaver, pads.
  • Jerry's Bag- Not sure, Im going to let him pack his own bag where he knows whats in there but I will check it, to make sure he has everything he needs. 

Stuff that I still need to buy:

Well Im going to go clean Bliss's Closet out or attempt to! lol



Thursday, July 21, 2011

32 weeks


Pregnancy Stats-
How Far along: 32 weeks
Size of baby: size of a large jicama...? lol
Total Weight gain: 5 lbs
Gender: Beautiful darling girl
Movement: Gymnast!! 
Sleep: slim to none.
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly, being able to run around none stop.
Craving: Whataburger! lol 
Symptoms: Contracting, TIRED!
Maternity Clothes: Lots of cute dresses. (can still wear x-small & small dresses) ; ]

Doctor Visit: Doc says a lot of pressure & Cervix is opening. Bed rest!!!
Best Moment this week: Getting my adorable Diaper bag in from wonderful cousin & ordered her stroller & car seat!
 : ]

White dress: From target. (have bought a lot of cute dresses from there for the past couple of weeks.)
Black Dress: Bealls
Big Hat: Wonderful Target. : ]
Rubber Boots: Rue 21
Umbrella: Walmart
Owl Necklace: Target
Bracelets: Have had those forever, Can't remember where I bought those. 

Maternity Pictures!!





I'm Incredibly happy with the way they turned out!!! 
I couldn't be happier!!
Call & Book your appointment with:
Kelly Cole at The Image Gallery
She is truly amazing & you will not be let down!!