Monday, October 1, 2012

Life lately according to my iPhone pictures

 We have be so incredibly busy this late couple of months. Between our wedding, Honeymoon and Bliss's first birthday, it has been say the least CRAZY around these parts. Finally, it's all over and the storm is clearing. Thank goodness! 
I have to say this is the my favorite age so far, Bliss is walker EVERYWHERE and is getting into EVERY THING, but I love it. It is so fun to watch learn and grow and come in to her being. Now she walks up to me grabs my hand and leads me to what she wants. It makes my heart so full!

All she wants to do now days is be outside, she loves jumping on the trampoline, walking to the pond, swinging, riding the canyon (my horse) feeding and cleaning after Dixie (my sisters cow) and playing with her puppies. The only downside is I can't open the door without her running to it, screaming go and if we don't go outside she screams and beats on the door. Boy, does she have a temper! Where ever does she get that from?

It is has been some what been HELL around these parts, thanks to a certain sweet loving happy baby of mine who has been replaced by a screaming teething crazed banshee. Six teeth coming in at one time is just cruel and unusual punishment that she sure DOES NOT deserve! Teething tablet only last maybe for an hour and I hate attempting to give her pain reliever everyday, so most days we have a screaming baby/banshee that we are trying to make happy. I am so ready for my sweet, loving, happy going baby to back to normal! My nerves are really ready! lol 

Im off to make a banshee, her lunch.