I can't tell you what an honor it is to be called momma by my beautiful and full of life daughter. I know everyone says that they change your life completely but I could have never imagined Bliss making me as happy as I am each and everyday that I get to wake up to her smiling, loving face.
Bliss brought Jerry and I closer in our relationship in ways that I didn't think we could get any closer, than we already were.
Since the day I found out I was pregnant with her she has made me a better person and I am truly thankful for that.
She has brought so much happiness and joy in our life, I remember seeing her for the first time and thinking, OMG she is my own little person. My own little angel I hope to mold into something beautiful, strong, smart and most of all loving.
Bliss making me her mother is my greatest and most privileged accomplishment in my life and I am truly so blessed and thankful!
Happy 1st Mother's Day to me and Happy 8 months of BLISSful life to darling B. (8 month post up sometime this week. I hope.)