3 weeks
Yesterday Bliss turned 3 weeks old. Time really does fly, It seems just yesterday that we came home from the hospital!
Jerry snapped this picture of bliss and I sleeping this weekend! I love it! :)
B’s 3 weeks old and she has already changed so much!
She is more alert, even though she was already an alert baby. She is eating more and I didn’t think that was possible; she’s eating 4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours. She is getting super attached to me, I seriously can’t sit her down or get out of sight during the day, which is awful cause I can’t get anything cleaned and can hardly take a 5 minute shower! Yes, I have tried sitting her down and let her scream it out, & I do mean SCREAM it out! That girl has some lungs on her!! It doesn’t work she will scream and scream in till she can’t breathe! So I end up giving in and picking her up. Seriously have you seen that sweet little face? How can you not give in to her?
Cousin Jordan holding her baby bliss! 
Now for daddy and B time!
Daddy & I watching PINKS together!
Daddy & I looking at car parts!
Daddy was making sure I was awake & paying attention. lol
Well everyone have a good night, Im off to watch UFC & eating some fabulous Blue Bell Ice cream with my love!
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