Ello 2011
Wow I can’t believe 2011 is already here! 2010 seriously flew by WAY to fast if I might say, not that I’m not sad to see it go, it was a fairly decent year, and it definitely had its ups and downs that's for sure!
Well 2011 lets please have a truly amazing year with one another.
Now for the resolution(s):
1. Lose weight, I will get into the best shape of my life!
2. I will have more fun & not worry about money ALL the time.
3. I will try to control my temper better.
4. I will try cooking more (even if it doesn’t turn out well.)
5. Pass my all my Insurance Test.
6. Take a photography class
7. Take more Photos of EVERYTHING!
8. Go and watch more movies
9. Take more trips and go see the world.
10. Decorate the house.
11. Go shopping more often.
12. Take Jordan to do more stuff (Go outside more, go the movies, and go anywhere her little hearts desires.)
13. Work with Cade more.
14. Build a shop
15. Spend as much time as possible with Karah. (I feel as if she is growing up way to fast! / )
16. Try not swear as much or even at ALL! lol
17. Find a great quote everyday!
18. Try to read as much as possible.
19. Figure out what I really want in life.
20. Have as much fun as i possible can, I'm only 20 well 21 on the 29th and i feel as if I'm 30 already.
21. Last but definitely not least. Fall even more in Love with my Jerry Todd. I don't see how it's possible but I'm going to see what I can do.
I hope to achieve all of these, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can't do it.